No matter what time of day it is, we all like taking a moment to admire our gorgeous faces. Happiness is quickly shattered when one’s body is riddled with excess weight and drooping skin. In a selfie, having a “double chin,” neck fat, or sagging skin beneath the neck might make you appear much older than you really are.

Neck obesity, sometimes known as the turkey neck, can hurt self-esteem. For those who don’t mind making a few basic, medium-term lifestyle changes, there are plenty of non-surgical treatments for reducing excess neck fat.

I’m happy to report that the situation is improving.

You can slim down your neck and enhance your self-esteem at the same time if you’re willing to put in the effort. This article provides 21 basic strategies to reduce neck & chin fat that can be done at any time and anywhere to get your neck in shape.

See what we can find about how to lose fat on neck and chin!


What are the primary causes of fat deposits in the neck and chin?

Several factors contribute to the buildup of fat in the neck region. And it’s important to understand these difficulties if you want to lose excess fat around your neck.

1. Your age may have an impact

Age has a significant impact on your appearance. Your skin loses its youthful elasticity and begins to sag as you get older. As a result, your skin appears droopy, forming a double chin.

2. It’s possible that this is a genetic condition

A family history of double chins or skin that lacks suppleness raises the odds that you’ll have the same problem.

3. Overweight

Even though obesity may not directly affect neck fat, it plays a role in its development. Because of the way we live, we end up with obesity and a double chin due to our unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. But in the opposite you could try a healthy diet. Check out my real experience on Keto and Workout.

4. Make sure that your posture is correct

A good posture is essential for your body’s muscles. Incorrect posture weakens the muscles in the neck and chin. If your posture isn’t corrected, the skin around the chin and neck loses flexibility over time. And You can also check out this article about Best Face Fat Removal Creams for your Double Chin Problem.


How To Get Rid Of Neck & Chin Fat With These Exercises

1. Blow Air

Using a blow dryer is a great approach to get rid of neck fat and flab. It strengthens the muscles in your cheekbones and neck. It gives you a more chiseled appearance by emphasizing your cheeks and chin.

How To:

  • Sit in a low-back chair with your spine straight.
  • The best way to get your face to face the ceiling is to push your head back as far as you can.
  • By squeezing your lips together, release air from your mouth.
  • For around 10 to 20 seconds, repeat this process.
  • Slowly release your neck after holding it in that posture.
  • You can repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times or as many times as you like during this session.

2. Exercise with Balls

Enhancing your fitness program with the addition of a new instrument or technology. Do this ball exercise while having fun and decreasing fat around your neck by keeping a small, readily squeezable ball on hand.

How to

  • The ideal way to perform this workout is to do it while sitting down.
  • Maintain a relaxed posture and a straight spine.
  • Below your chin, hold the ball firmly.
  • Slowly lower your chin to put pressure from the other direction to that ball.
  • This can be done 20-30 times in one sitting.


3. Neck gliding to reduce neck fat

Neck glides can be performed in a forward-backward or sideways motion. It reduces muscle tension, so neck exercises are more efficacious because of it. Consistently engaging in these exercises will also help tone your neck and shoulders.

How To-

  • Side: Sit or stand with your feet apart and your back straight. Go to the left and hold it for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position. After a few seconds of gliding your neck to the right, bring it back to the center. Do this at least 20-30 times on each side of the neck.
  • Front: It’s up to you whether you want to stand or sit. Take a deep breath and push your jaw all the way forward while gliding your neck forward. It’s important to keep your jaw clenched for the full five seconds. 20 times is the magic number.


4. Neck Traction: Do It Yourself

Along with sitting and working with appropriate posture, regular exercise can help reduce fat in the neck humps. When you want to get rid of the fat in your neck, you can do self-neck traction (SNT). Performing this exercise will make your neck humps less noticeable and make the muscles around them less tight.

How to-

  • In this position, your entire body should be back on the floor.
  • Now, raise your legs to a 60-degree angle in front of you.
  • Take a few deep breaths and slowly place one hand behind your back and the other across your chest.
  • Keeping your chest hand pressed down, use your other hand to raise your neck to its highest point possible.
  • You must understand the stretch in your neck and hold it there for 10 seconds.
  • Get into a supine position and take it easy.
  • Take a five-second break after each set of five stretches, and then perform the exercise 15 to 20 times.


5. Stretch Your Neck

Using the neck reversing stretch is the best way to address your forward line It also eliminates many unsightly and painful back humps.

How to-

  • Place your hands on your sides and stand tall, with at least two feet separating your feet.
  • Slightly lower your chin without rounding your shoulders while doing this.
  • For the next 10 seconds, keep your neck in a retracted position.
  • In a slow and steady motion, bring your neck back as far as you feel is safe and appropriate.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds until you feel the pressure in your neck.
  • Gradually bring your neck back to a more normal angle.
  • At the very least, ten sets should be performed three times.


6. Rotation of the Neck

Rotation is a simple and effective exercise for eliminating neck fat, mainly double chin. It’s possible because rotations increase blood flow to your shoulders, building them up and less prone to injury.

How to-

  • Sit or stand with your back straight in a low-back chair. Your feet should be apart.
  • Turn your head counterclockwise without moving your shoulder.
  • Stretch your neck as much as possible by rotating it in a circular motion.
  • Count 20 times before returning to the starting position.
  • Do this 20 times in a counterclockwise direction.
  • Once you feel confident, you can start increasing the number.
  • It is imperative that you maintain a straight back and avoid hunching your shoulders while driving.


7. Smack your Chin

Every day, you need to perform this exercise to reap the benefits. It’s something you can do at any time or place. Actresses are known to have used this technique in the past to keep their double chins under control.

How to-

  • Anywhere is suitable for standing or sitting.
  • Make a fist with one hand while keeping the other at the back of your head.
  • Get started by slapping your lower chin.
  • After the initial slapping, increase the speed and keep doing it until you reach your tolerance. Don’t go overboard at first.
  • Do it for 10 minutes at the very least.
  • For best results, perform it 5 to 6 times daily.


8. The Art of the Lip Pull

You can tone your jawline, chin muscles, and side muscles by doing lip pulls. To do this exercise:

How to-

  • Put on your regular posture and forward gaze.
  • Try to clench your jaw so hard that your shoulders don’t budge.
  • To stretch your jaw as far as possible, raise your lower lip as high as you can.
  • Stay here for 10 seconds and then return to your original position.
  • It is recommended that you perform this cycle a minimum of ten times before beginning to increase the number of repetitions.
  • Try this stretch under your chin if you want to improve your neck and jaw muscles.
  • It’s best to avoid doing this exercise right after eating.


9. Mouth Opening and Closing

It’s hard to believe that just opening and closing your mouth can help you lose weight. It may sound ridiculous, but we do it every day. What matters most is that you do it correctly to achieve your desired outcomes.

How to-

  • Maintain a neutral posture while standing, with your chin slightly raised.
  • Do not move your shoulders while bending your neck backward as far as possible.
  • Now, widen your mouth and then close it once more. Try to take it easy.
  • When you open your mouth, you can feel the stretch in your neck.
  • To see results, repeat this process 10 to 15 times in a row.
  • Taking a break will allow your muscles to rest and repair.
  • The pause also works to tone your neck.


10. Stretching on the Sides

There is little we can do about how fat is stored in our bodies. Fatty deposits are problematic since they aren’t always arranged vertically. Because of this, you’ll need to do some side stretches to get rid of the extra fat on your thighs and buttocks.

How to-

  • Maintain a comfortable and square-shouldered posture.
  • Having your right arm curled around your neck, gently touch your left ear.
  • Slightly slouch your head to the right until you feel the stretch.
  • Release after five minutes of holding the position.
  • It’s time to do it all over again, this time on the other side.


11. Pulling the Towel

A towel is a great accessory to have on hand when performing neck exercises. You may use these easy stretches in a variety of ways to achieve the curved neck you’ve always wanted. Stretching helps keep the neck and throat smooth and free of sagging and fat buildup.

How to-

  • Wrap a towel across your shoulders and roll it back and forth.
  • Join the ends of the towel and begin twisting the towel along your head in opposing directions.
  • For the best results, repeat the procedure multiple times.
  • Other options include doing it from both sides.
  • Wrap a towel over your neck, but twist it to the side.
  • Keep your shoulders straight and go through the motions again.


12. Apply Sunscreen at all times

Drooping, wrinkled, and aged skin can be avoided by applying sunscreen to your face every day. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is highly suggested.

If you plan on spending a long time in the sun, you may want a higher SPF. In addition to reapplying every two hours, consider using an umbrella or a hat to shield yourself from the sun.


13. Procedures that don’t need Surgery

In other cases, a more extensive operation may be necessary to remove your double chin or lose fat on face for life. Your body can then break down and eliminate the excess fat that has been frozen in a process called Cool sculpting. Over time, the treated area begins to change due to cryolipolysis (the freezing of fat cells), which is known as “cryolipolysis.”

Mesotherapy is another less invasive procedure that helps your body break down fat cells. The treated area may experience tightness of the skin due to the fat being thinned out by a course of injections that destroy your fat cells.


14. Laser Therapy

Laser treatment, despite being referred to as “laser surgery,” is essentially a non-surgical process that employs a laser to burn the fat tissue beneath the surface of your skin.

Laser treatments have the advantage of requiring little recovery time after the procedure and only local anesthesia during the process.


15. Cosmetic Liposuction

The greatest way to get rid of your double chin in a short time is to get liposuction done. It’s a simple one-hour treatment that may just require a local anesthetic to remove the fat off your chin.

Bruising and swelling are to be expected following the procedure. Still, your body will soon mend, and you will be left with a perfectly sculpted jawline after only one surgery.

Don’t let your double-chin get in the way of another day of annoyance. To learn more about your options for reducing or eliminating a double chin, speak with the skilled dermatologists at Vanguard Dermatology.

New York dermatologists at Vanguard Dermatology provide a number of these treatments, along with advice on how to alter your daily habits for a more attractive facial structure.


16. Lower your daily calorie consumption

Eating healthfully to shed pounds. Dropping weight is the best technique to get rid of neck fat.

If you cut your daily calorie consumption by 500 calories, you can expect to lose an average of 0.5 kg of weight per week. After a period of steady weight loss, it is common for the neck and face to become noticeably thinner.

As an aside, have you ever encountered someone who had just lost weight and was surprised by how thin they appeared in the face when you bumped into them?

Losing weight, in general, is an excellent first step in reducing neck fat.

Starvation is a bad idea since it can harm your metabolism and leave you deficient in essential nutrients.


17. Do not forget to drink plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is essential to staying healthy. It aids in the correct functioning of your body’s systems and provides increased protection against illness.

As a side benefit, moisturized skin does not sag or appear slack. Drink at least two liters of water each day, or even more if you work out or sweat a lot. Drinking a lot of water can help you lose weight by curbing your cravings and decreasing your caloric intake.


18. Eat a lot of Vegetables

When you eat more vegetables, your body fat will be reduced. Fat around your neck tends to go when you slim down. Vegetables should be steamed or grilled and should be included in every meal of the day.


19. Have a Variety of Fruits

If you’re a sucker for sugary treats, you’ll want to explore the diverse flavors of fruits. If you make just a few small changes to your diet, you’ll see an increase in your weight loss, as well as an increase in your general health.


20. Aim for Lean Proteins

You’ll feel fuller longer with lean protein than other nutrients like carbohydrates. Protein should be included in every meal and snack. A deck of cards’ worth of food might be considered a serving. Low-fat dairy products, lean beef, eggs, chicken, nuts, tofu, and shellfish qualify as lean proteins.


21. Minimize Neck Fat by Chewing Gum

And now for something really unexpected. Neck fat can be effectively removed by chewing gum. The facial and neck muscles are stimulated by it. Gum should only be consumed once a day, as it might have detrimental consequences if consumed constantly.


The Final Word

Regular exercise is unquestionably necessary for fat loss, regardless of where it is located in the body. Regardless of your goals for fat loss, you must rely on some exercise to achieve results.


Shakir Hasan is a fully qualified personal trainer and award winning writer, with a decade’s worth of experience under his belt. He has helped hundreds of people to meet their dietary and fitness goals, writing exercise and nutrition plans to suit any and every requirement. Shakir founded ThisIsWhyIamFit as a way to share his vast knowledge of exercises, diets, and general fitness advice.